I maintain your Rails applications so that you can focus on more important things.

Maintenance and development for companies with existing Ruby on Rails applications. Stop wasting time, effort and money on agencies, unreliable freelancers and middlemen.

You have an existing Ruby on Rails application that is creating business value and needs to keep running. Perhaps you need a few changes now and then, but definitely not enough to justify an employee or an expensive agency/consultancy.

I can handle the maintenance and support of your Ruby on Rails application. I love Ruby and Ruby on Rails. I understand the complete stack, from bits to pixels, and can fit seamlessly into your organisation.

Need some additional development? I can handle that too. Systems I’ve created and contributed to are serving hundreds of thousands of users, and are processing millions in revenue.

Simply put, it's my mission to ensure my clients experience no downtime.

How can I be of service?


On-call support: outage handling and incident response

Simply put, if your app is stable, I ensure it keeps running. I respond to your support requests, respond to outages, and to incidents. I alert you if something needs your attention.


Maintenance, security and performance

Each month security updates are released for the software libraries used in the wild by thousands of apps. We check if these affect your app, and ensure your project is up-to-date. We do pro-active safety checks, and ensure your app is GDPR-ready. We monitor your uptime and performance metrics, and take action when necessary.



Want to steadily improve your app alongside your growing business, but not spend €50.000 in one month of development on an agency? I can do that.


Custom development

Have specific, significant features in mind? I can do that too. We will sit together and create a suitable plan of approach.

Why Nebulae2016 over … ?

Who is Nebulae2016 ?

Hi, I’m Glenn, and I’m a Dutch/British software developer from The Netherlands. Nice to meet you!

I’ve been building software with Ruby on Rails for more than 8 years, both building projects from the ground up and contributing to existing applications.

Since starting, I’ve worked on all sort of projects, some growing to millions in revenue, within larger companies, startups, with founders, and through Toptal.

From this, I gained extensive experience with all aspects of applications, and I’m equally comfortable re-architecting an application, billing flow, user-facing front-end interface, making site speed optimisations, and making sure your data is backed up and never at risk of being lost. No challenge too hard!

My most valued trait is that I’m able to zoom out to a birds-eye perspective, back into the nitty-gritty. I develop rigorously through a process of plan-execute-evaluate, involving the client in every key decision. In short, your application will be in good hands.

Want help with your application?

Let's talk!